This site is on the Heritage Register of Brisbane City Council. We seek your help in preserving the buildings on this site. The original church was built in 1891 and today serves as the Parish Centre.

Our current project is to repair the Parish Centre and this has an estimated cost of over $20,000

St Margaret’s also has many beautiful stained glass windows, many of these are over 70 years old and require cleaning and re-leading.

Your tax-deductible donation will help us complete these essential works.

These windows are important for their art history and the important stories of people and events they commemorate. 

Make a TAX DEDUCTABLE donation through the 

National Trust Queensland.

Use this LINK 

OR use the following bank details.

 The BSB is 064-475 and 

Account number is 1039 1903 

Our Appeal ID is 0660-025 

please use this reference when making deposits Into this account.

The windows of St Margaret's

Label 11

The windows of St Margaret's

Label 12


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